Monday, March 06, 2006

Gamal Mubarak's engagement news!

Gamal Mubaraks engagement news!

The issue is more the politics of it!! It is back
again to the issue of someone who is using his family name to take the most
important position in our country (the president!) the rest (his wife to be,
..etc) is just consequences!
I cant judge anybody, and I don
t know what is
in his/her
hearts, but I have signs (the political ones) that his
conscious is not so active :)
regarding the way the wife to be; Khadija is dressed: though I don’t like to judge someone
(religiously/faith[3akidah]) by the way
s/he is dressed, but when the man is promoting himself (or being promoted,
whatever) as the president to be, the society (Egyptian) has to have say
and/or have to have their expectations/aspirations/demands (culturally,
religiously, economically, ideologically ...) met in the one who is goig to
rule them, not to mention the actual democratic selection of him/her
(voting). This is basic democracy!

Egypt is not any other country, it is special, it is unique, therefore It has to be ruled in ways that reflect the actual interest/reality of its people. So, if Khadija looks like an average Egyptian (dress, mind, knowledge, awareness, faith ...etc)
She is a welcomed Egypt's first lady, this is conditioned if her husband (to be) was also someone who deserves to be Egypt's first gentleman!


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