Thursday, November 10, 2005

Yeh, this is one of the nightmares that the region has to see!!
I cant tell how angry/sad/shocked/ f.. up I m since I received the news about Amman, I am even scared to start checking on people I know!
How big is Amman anyway; probably the half of the city’s population was targeted; directly or indirectly .. by injuries, death of self, relative or friend, loosing jobs, and most importantly loosing freedom!
We know that Amman and the whole of Jordan will turn to be a huge military camp! Like Egypt and even worse!! but even more cause of the demographic Palestinian factor, the geographic Israeli factor, and of course the Iraqi ones!!
I am just still in shock that those places I know and I ve been driving around them, remember when we went together by car?!!!!

Look my friend; it is not about Arabs killing Arabs or Muslims killing Muslims; it s about criminals killing innocents!
And what has happened in Amman, Baghdad, Sharm el Sheikh and elsewhere is not because there are people want to kill others and themselves only! It is about INJUSTICE.
The Arab regimes have been unjust to their citizens and youngsters, the world isn’t a just place anymore, look at what is happening to the weak? Only the strong ones win!
Where were the words like justice, international law, law enforcement, democracy ..etc when Palestine was kidnapped, raped as well as its people! The strongest said it doesn’t matter so it didn’t matter!
Resolutions after resolutions came out of the ass of the world taking about occupation, rights, bla bla bla but when there is a regime that is not obeying (though was supported if not created by) the strongest, if that regime is not obeying or not applying what the strongest want, nuke them! smoke them out!
Then when certain group of people have been waiting for looooong for justice to come, through international law or any shit coming out of the world ass, their patience is exhausted and because they are closed minded and misunderstood their faiths (not to mention manipulated of course [may be by the strongest sometimes]) then they turn to e criminals and start killing themselves and others!

This is what is happening and will continue to happen my friend; no wonder that this will soon happen in Beirut. I do have this feeling and I am just waiting it to be reality sometime. it is not reading the future but putting facts together.
If we look back and think about the region and terrorism, I wonder why the number of attacks and killings have gone up crazy in the last few years as well as decades! Look at statistics and numbers produced by some western trusted NGOs and you will be surprised!

Yesterday, there was the responsible lady of the abu-ghraib prison speaking and said it was Ramsfild who sign orders of torture? Couple of days before; Rai TV, the Italian station produced a documentary about the use of unconventional weapons in Falluja? Guantanamo Bay speaks of itself? The secret detentions centers in eastern Europe? What else? If you say this is new and as a result of the war on terror and sept 11th and say shaboo ba and I d say in return; what about the CIA operations in and with Iraqi government before, during and after the iraq-iran war? The relations with Hafez Al-Asad that his son now is being f.. up ? the knowledge and support to the Egyptian regime in detaining people including the pope shnodah II (house arrest) under Sadat, while now the US switched to support “a little and shyly” the copts in the US and north America and put pressure “shyly also” ? what about all the prisoners in Egyptian jails? Torture ..etc? or why didn’t the US do something about Halabja-Iraq or Hama-Syria when the supported regimes their wiped out houses and people by gas or by fighter jets? So many more examples!!!

Thanks to the strongest who actually brought us this, whether we like it or not whether we agree with it or not, I challenge anyone to prove it otherwise with “facts”!
And we – the people – have to continue being f.. up for what exactly I don’t know? I mean what have we done in order to deserve this? We have an undemocratic governments, undemocratic –at least outside its borders – strongest nation manipulating the whole map of the world! And as a result terrorists increase, they f .. us up and it continues! Till when, God only knows!

I am terrible sad that most of the intellectuals, politicians and others have their minds stop on the point of who did it? And start pointing out toward certain people (not to mention manipulating that to accuse certain religions or group of people ..etc) I do not think they go beyond that to ask; why it happened ? and even if they have courage to do that; it is manipulated!

I am not a conspiracy theorist and Of course I am not and would not never ever justify anything criminal like this but I adopt a position that was taken by an intellectual lately when he was asked about those kinds of attacks; he said I would not comment, but if I have to; I d say the whole truth; it is wrong and illegal and against all religions AND it s because of injustice and manipulation!
It is the whole truth or none!

At the end Who pays the price? the poor “people” they have to suffer from their regimes, the ones behind (were) their regimes, or the terrorists (whom presence is caused by the strongest directly or indirectly).

I agree with you on the difference between france and the US. Of course, and I don’t want my words to be taken as anti-american in anyway, cause you know more than anyone probably that I am not anti American as American. But funny enough, may be living in the arab world for quit some time, you took our pride that I am personally suffering from. When someone speaks fo anything Egyptians my antenna goes up and I try to highlight the good things about egypt but recently I learnt to balance and say both the good and the bad ones. And I know that you are the same, from our hours-long discussions. You are right there are equal opportunities in the US unlike Europe and of course the arab world but my friend I m not living in the US, I m living here and I am affected every minute with what the US foreign policy is doing to my region? So if the US is the land of democracy and equal opportunities mine is not and it is not because the US plus “our own faults of course “
So don’t take anything personal or as if it is toward the American people or values. The thing is that the American administration along with our administrations (Arabs) are working totally against any values!


Thursday, November 03, 2005

Few years ago, I said to a friend: "alone is a good idea". I recall another saying that goes, what does not kill you only makes you stronger. What is that all about? In the last few days specially Ramadan and Eid, I feel that I am getting used and getting comfi with being alone. To some extend, though it might be risky, I am actually enjoying it. That does not neglect missing things, people and places. In fact , it is also a chance to reflect about the past experiences, and find out what was good and what was wrong. Still, the life partner issue is an "issue"! Desite all the difficulties around that issue, it is better to be alone than being with the wrong one, whom sometimes you do not have the chance to think, or to know that she is when you are so "involved". In other words: being not alone!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

It is hard not to comment on the incidents in Alexandria, one of my favorite cities. Simply as I heard and read; a film was shown in a church in Alexandria that talks about how a Christian convert to Islam then discover all the bad stuff about Islam and switch back feeling found again. I do not know what happened exactly after or before from a trusted source, but what happened after was the reaction of Muslims toward that! it was violent and controversial. This what I am aware of from sources talking about the incidents like the media; aljazeera, alsaffir Lebanese newspaper, Egyptian Al-Ahram, words of the mouth ..etc.
Now, what is my position on this; It is as follows; there has been controversial pushs and pulls between Egyptian Muslims and Copts lately. There have been tensions that were originated from normal human reactions exactly that happen within Muslims and those among Copts such as a fight over selling or buying or children playing in the street and hitting each others ..etc but the “thing” is that such incidents happen in low income, low educated, closed minded communities. So the issue of the other is so badly perceived specially when the other is other because of his religion. Not only that, but also he is from “an-other” religion that I (metaphor for him) perceive as ops “wrong”. Ahh well, Muslims are following the philosophy of someone (Sala Allah alieh wa sallam [peace be upon him]) and it is not a heavenly faith!
No no, Christians are following the deviated faith that was correct and following the path of monotheism but clergy at certain times manipulated the issue of “the son of God”!
Well that is what exactly both sides are saying about each others, usually at least.
So, the difference is crystal clear and it is there all the time despite all the nice diplomatic statements of politicians and clergy as well about brotherhood and mutual respect ..etc.
Despite that big difference, I do believe that by stopping those sticky diplomatic statements and really making people aware that it is fine to have those differences and live together. It s reality and our prophet peace be upon him and his followers knew it and survived and dealt with the people of the book in so harmonies ways unless there are attacks from them then they will put themselves in the position of enemies by their own choices.
My conclusion now is;
Yes we are different (now I am referring to myself too belonging to one group; Muslims). We are not so aware of those big and fundamental differences and this in itself makes a gap between the two (I am talking about Egypt). Too much diplomacy and politicizing the issue have been taking place for ages by the government in order to control everyone. There are real links and bonds between “the people” from both sides that is historic and deep rooted. Lately, fanaticism has been growing on both sides, to alienate the other. In Islam, we look to Christians as people of the book, in return they don’t. from our side Muslims, there were several groups and experiences that created and maintained the ideology of “takfeer” (promoting that the other or anyone who doesn’t follow my ideology is “Kafir” or infidel). In Christianity, I am not so aware of concrete example at least not in Egypt but I know about Kosovo, and Bosnia.
Now how all that related to Alexandria; another set of conclusions;
1- It was so wrong and not clear intentioned to show and promote that film by Egyptian Christians and in a church.
2- It was equally wrong to attack the nun, and the church as a person who should not be punished by the mistake of other and should not punished by the crowd, where is the authority and a justified investigation or otherwise it is a forest! And as a place –church- it should not be harmed as it s a place of worship of a divinely religion that we as Muslims “have to” believe in Jesus Christ as a prophet and in Christianity as a religion from the one God.
3- The responsible about producing the film and promoting it should be investigated and trialed if necessary.
4- Those responsible of the attacks on the church and the nun, should be also punished and trailed according to law and justice.
5- Finally I want someone of those who did both actions; can they provide me with an evidence from any historic or modern time and or from any religious reference that justify what they did (insulting Islam as in the film or attacking places or worship)
6- More finally; because the Egyptian government is not a democratic state, it s subject and us –citizens- are subject to manipulation of fanatic Christians and those behind them (the west, the US in particular that wants to see more so called “freedom”) that makes them always spoiled and able to pressure the government and get away with their actions, I read a comment by poor woman saying do I have to have a pope behind me to get my kid out of jail. Her son probably was jailed without trail in connection to one of those Muslim-Christian conflicts and he will stay their and treated like shish cause he is a poor Muslim and no one from the religious institution would do anything for him. For me I don’t want anyone do anything for anyone, all people are equal before God and before His laws. Amr Ibn Al-Aas who was the governor of Egypt during the time of Omar Ibn AlKhattab rule of the Muslim caliphate; Amr’s son hurt and insulted a Copt in Egypt and the Copt complained to Omar, Omar ordered Amr to bring his son to Madina in Saudi Arabia now, gave him hard time and send the 3 of them (Amr, his son and the Copt) back to Egypt with an order to make the Copt hit Amr’s son in public place as the other did to him. Omar said to the Copt hit the son of the elite (as the son of Amr told the Copt before I am the son of the elites)
7- So where are we now from what Omar did, Islam is about justice and only justice without fanaticism. While it is also justice for Muslims who are being treating like in Palestine and Iraq. In other words, when we Muslim practice Islam as it was practiced by Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him, Muslims in Palestine, Egypt, Iraq and elsewhere will not be treated like this. “Be strong without violence, and lean (kind) without weakness” this is the rule.

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